Magic is divided into 12 circles each represented by a different color. The circles are described according to the field of magic in which they unfold their greatest effect. This means, for example, that the Circle of Red stands for fire and the Circle of Blue for water.
In only very seldom cases are spells able to work from only one circle. Instead, they are often a mixture of different circles in varying strengths. A spell is attributed to the circle that accounts for the lion’s share of its magic. The strength describes the degree of power someone has in a particular circle, which is why a “strong vein” is also often mentioned in this context.
While all creatures have magic in them, only very few have all 12 circles at their disposal. Basically, almost everyone can do magic, but if the veins are only weak, it’s literally not worth the effort of the education. Performing magic requires great concentration, long hours of practice, and is also extremely arduous. Someone with a small degree of talent might, after making an effort for several minutes, be able to conjure up a small light in their hand that is barely able to illuminate their fingers. In such a case, it makes a lot more sense in purely economic terms to just light a lamp. These less talented individuals are called Unmagicals.
From a certain level of talent onwards, we speak of Magicals. It is not possible to have access to magic from the moment one is born: the result of a protective evolutionary mechanism to prevent an unknowing child from doing great harm to themselves. Only after a few years does the magic awaken and then it increases steadily in strength until adulthood. Those who have a strong magical talent usually wake it by themselves. Should this not happen, another mage can waken them or show them the access to their magic. For those who are less talented, this is actually the normal way of going about things.
Latents are a special form. They are unable to access their magical potential during their entire lifetime. Despite being in possession of strong veins, they are cut off from magic. They can, however, pass on their magic – without this defect – to their children. Surprisingly, it is often Latents who have very strongly magical descendants.
Moreover, it is only possible for these descendants to have circles that one or both parents also already had. Additional circles cannot be acquired later, although they can be destroyed, in which case the corresponding characteristic is then lost for ever. Only if both parents have 12 circles will their child also have all the circles at their disposal. The more magical people are, however, the lower their ability to procreate, an ability which decreases further at an advanced age (a condition which magic can delay by several years).
Unhaer is unmagical country. Here, spells cannot normally be cast. Unmagicals have no problem moving in the Unhaer, but Magicals very quickly feel weak and unwell. Extremely powerful mages can only survive a few minutes in the Unhaer. Latents are the exception here, however. They react to the Unhaer in the same way that Unmagicals do.
Casting Spells
To cast a spell, the veins must be interwoven correctly both in terms of time and strength. The more sophisticated a spell, the more difficult the venture.
The right dosage is easier to make with gesticulation (movement pattern) or intonation (sound pattern). Both provide support but are not strictly necessary.
Spells are recorded with symbols, similar to mathematical formulae, and difficult spells can fill whole books. It goes without saying that the hard-working student of magic then has to learn these by heart.
As a rule, the effect of the magic increases the further away and the heavier the persons or objects are who have a spell put on them.
Some spells require eye contact, e.g. mind-reading. This useful spell reveals the true thoughts of the other person, which can certainly deviate strongly from their words.
Telepathizing is a preliminary stage of mind-reading. Here – inaudible to those in the vicinity – people merely talk to each other in thoughts.
Abschirmen ist der magische Schutz vor unliebsamen Zaubern, insbesondere dem des Gedankenlesens.
Magic eyes, , spy eyes or simply eyes are observation spells that can transmit images and sound over a great distance.
Scanning is magical seeing. It enables the individual to recognize the talent of the other person and which spell they are in the process of casting.
The permanent enchantment of objects so that they can also be used by Unmagicals requires the Circle of Gold. Size and structure of the object determine which powers can be bestowed permanently. Crystals have a high absorption capacity, followed by pure metals.
Gate and tunnel spells are normally connected to larger stones, since spells of this kind need a greater absorption capacity, and later, ought preferably to remain in one place.
Tunnels: Connect two specific places and can easily be used by Unmagicals. Enchanted objects are normally not changed by traveling through a tunnel.
Gates: Have to be activated by mages and enable travel to many places (with gate or tunnel exits). They can “discharge” or damage enchanted objects.
Tunnelingrefers to the act of jumping through both gates and tunnels.
Great mages with the vein of gold can jump without fixed gates. They produce a temporary gate for themselves, which is more like the reflection of a tunnel entrance, as they can only come out again at one place.
Necronomes are spells that destroy magic permanently. They require a strong Circle of Black.
Paralysis Spell is an umbrella term for a series of spells that range from a partial inability to move to a comatose sleep.
In Tandem Spells, two mages join forces to cast a spell, whereby one of them merely has to make his veins available for the magic to be performed.